Dennis Smithenry
Je suis professeur d'éducation à Elmhurst College qui se trouve en banlieue de Chicago. Mes projets de recherche visent à mieux comprendre comment on peut transformer les cours de science pour qu'ils deviennent les modèles de la vraie communauté scientifique.
Mes liens avec l'Acfas
- 1985-1989, Université d'Illinois, Baccalauréat en génie chimique 1999-2003, Université d'Illinois, Doctorat en chimie 2003-2006, Université de Stanford, Études postdoctorales en génie environnemental et éducation scientifique
Mes publications
Science Education Books
Smithenry, D. W. & Gallagher-Bolos, J. A. (2009). Whole-Class Inquiry: Creating Student-Centered Science Communities. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Gallagher-Bolos, J. A. & Smithenry, D. W. (2004). Teaching Inquiry-Based Chemistry: Creating Student-Led Scientific Communities. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Science Education Book Chapters
Meyer, D. K., & Smithenry, D. W. (2014). Scaffolding collective engagement. In D. J. Shernoff & J. Bempechat (Eds.), Engaging youth in schools: Evidence-based models to guide future innovations (Vol. 113, pp. 124-145). New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
Science Education Articles
Patchen, T., & Smithenry, D. W. (2015). More than just chemistry: The impact of a collaborative participant structure on student perceptions of science. Research in Science Education, 45(1), 75-100. doi: 10.1007/s11165-014-9414-1.
Carlone, H. & Smithenry, D. W. (2014). Creating a “we” culture: Strategies to ensure all students connect with science. Science & Children, 52(3), 66-71.
Patchen, T., & Smithenry, D. W. (2014). Diversifying instruction and shifting authority: A cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) analysis of classroom participant structures. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(5), 606-634. doi: 10.1002/tea.2114
Patchen, T., & Smithenry, D. W. (2013). Framing science in a new context: What students take away from a student-directed inquiry curriculum. Science Education, 97(6), 801-829. doi: 10.1002/sce.21077
Smithenry, D. W., Prouty, J., & Capobianco, B. M. (2013). Collaboratively exploring the use of a video case-based book as a professional development tool. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(5), 735-750. doi: 10.1007/s10956-012-9427-3.
Smithenry, D. W., & Kim, J. (2013). Beyond predictions: A variation and expansion of the traditional "sink or float" activity. In L. Froschauer (Ed.), A year of inquiry. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Smithenry, D. W. (2011). I’m (Not) a Science Person. In J. Settlage, A. Johnston, S. Dotger & R. Ceglie (Eds.), Proceedings of the Science Education at the Crossroads Conference (pp. 78-79). San Antonio, TX. [Available online at www.sciedxroads.org/proceedings2011.html].
Smithenry, D. W. & Kim, J. (2010). Beyond Predictions: A Variation and Expansion of the Traditional “Sink or Float” Activity. Science & Children. 48(2), 48-52.
Smithenry, D. W. (2010). Integrating Guided Inquiry into a Traditional Chemistry Curricular Framework. International Journal of Science Education, 32(13), 1689 – 1714. doi: 10.1080/09500690903150617
Smithenry, D. W. (2009). Grappling with Assumptions about Student-Directed Participant Structures. In A. Johnston & J. Settlage (Eds.), Proceedings of the Science Education at the Crossroads Conference (pp. 82-83). Portland, OR: National Science Foundation [Available online at www.sciedxroads.org/proceedings2009.html].
Smithenry, D. W. (2009). Teaching with Crystal Structures. The Science Teacher. 76(6), 52-57.
Smithenry, D. W. (2009). The Element Walk. Science Scope. 33(2), 52-55
Smithenry, D. W. & Gallagher-Bolos, J. A. (2008). Whole-Class Inquiry Assessments. The Science Teacher, 75(6), 39-44.
Smithenry, D. W., Gassman, C., Goodridge, B., & Petersen, T. (1998). Express Electrolysis. The Science Teacher, 65(5), 44-45
Smithenry, D. W. & Bolos, J. A. (1997). Creating a Scientific Community. The Science Teacher, 64(8), 44-47.
Bolos, J. A. & Smithenry, D. W. (1996). Chemistry Incorporated. The Science Teacher, 63(7), 48-52.
Science Articles
Cho, Y.-M., Ghosh, U., Kennedy, A. J., Grossman, A., Ray, G., Tomaszewski, J. E., Smithenry, D. W., Bridges, T. S., & Luthy, R. G. (2009). Field Application of Activated Carbon Amendment for In-Situ Stabilization of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Marine Sediment. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(10), 3815–3823.
Cho, Y.-M., Smithenry, D. W., Ghosh, U, Kennedy, A. J., Millward, R. N., Bridges, T. S., & Luthy, R. G. (2007). Field Methods For Amending Marine Sediment With Activated Carbon And Assessing Treatment Effectiveness. Marine Environmental Research, 64(5), 541-555.
Tomaszewski, J. E., Smithenry, D. W., Cho, Y.-M., Luthy, R. G., Lowry, G. V., Reible, D., Macek, R., Surá, M., Chrastilova, Z., Demnerova, K., Macková, M., Pavliková, D., Szekeres, M., & Sylvestre, M. (2006). Treatment and Containment of Contaminated Sediments. In D. Reible & T. Lanczos (Eds.) Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, NATO Science Series IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 73. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Cho, Y.-M., Smithenry, D. W., & Luthy, R. G. (2005). Preliminary Field Testing of Activated Carbon Mixing and In Situ Stabilization of PCBs in Sediment. Preprints of Extended Abstracts presented at the ACS National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, 45(2), 443-448.
Suslick, K. S., Bhyrappa, P., Chou, J.-H., Kosal, M. E., Nakagaki, S., Smithenry, D. W., & Wilson, S. R. (2005). Microporous Porphyrin Solids. Accounts of Chemical Research, 38(4), 283-291.
Smithenry, D. W. & Suslick, K. S. (2004). Recent Developments in Robust Microporous Porphyrin Solids,” Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 8(2), 182-190.
Smithenry, D. W., Wilson, S. R., & Suslick, K. S. (2003). A Robust Microporous Zinc Porphyrin Framework Solid. Inorganic Chemistry, 42, 7719-7721
Smithenry, D. W., Kang, M.-S., & Gupta, V. K. (2001). Telechelic Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Polymerization and Chain Aggregation in Solution. Macromolecules, 34, 8503-8511.